Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
I love the vibrant colors in this picture!

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
Holding her lion's tail!

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
Proud lion!

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
Chloe with her dad!

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
Chloe posing with Texas A&M University-Commerce lion!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Loving the sunshine!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe hanging on to the chimp!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Another shot from inside the cave!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe loved exploring the "cave"!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe loved climbing the boulders!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe and her dad checking the Dallas Zoo map! Chloe gets very frustrated at being lost in a maze!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Touching "Babar's" ear!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Close-up of the friendly giraffe!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe got to feed a giraffe and touch it even though the zoologist said not to, it was too hard to resist!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
You wouldn't know from the look on her face how much Chloe really likes lions!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Watch out for that lion!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe in front of "Aslan", her favorite lion!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe in front of the Giants of the Savanna sign!

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010
Chloe's first carousel ride!

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
Her playgroup friends: Ariel, Michaela, Jamison, Chloe, and Allison

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
They really enjoyed pulling on this rope like it was a fun tug -of -war game!

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
Wendy is trying to teach her how to focus to get ready to dismount the horse.

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
My favorite picture!

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
Still enjoying the ride!

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
Riding across the small stable!

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Horsin' Around at a horse stable
Chloe really seemed to like being on the horse!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chloe's sixth birthday party

Happy Birthday Chloe! She is six years old today! Wow, how time flies! We had Chloe's birthday party this past weekend with family members and her "best" friend from her Kindergarten class. She got lots of great presents, which one can tell from the following pictures. Thanks to everyone who came and Chloe's thanks you for all the wonderful gifts!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, Tx-Dinosaurs Unearthed!

We went to the Museum on Nature and Science at Fair Park in Dallas on weekend. They have a new dinosaur exhibit called, "Dinosaurs Unearthed", which will be on display until May 1, 2011. They also have a new IMAX movie called, "Sea Monsters", which details what life may have been like for prehistoric sea reptiles struggling to survive in the vast oceans.

Halloween 2010

Chloe wanted to be a lion for Halloween this year. She is really into the lion, "Aslan" from the upcoming movie, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", which is one of the seven children's novels he wrote, which follows some of the characters from "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe", which Chloe really enjoyed seeing. Here's some pictures of her looking like a ferocious lion!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dallas Zoo-Fall 2010

The Potter family traveled to the Dallas Zoo in October 2010. It was sort of a reward for Chloe doing relatively well in school. She earned Perfect Attendance, Library certificate, and a Computer class certificate. She liked the zoo alright, but seemed ready to go after only an hour. I took some fun pictures of her, she especially liked climbing on the boulders and exploring the cave. It seemed liked she enjoyed Bass Pro Shop in Garland better than the zoo! I think she could have spent hours investigating all the footprints and tracks they have all over their concrete floors! I think sometime in the future we will try to go to Dinosaur State Valley Park to investigate all the great dinosaur tracks and prints they have there!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall 2010

Chloe has started Kindergarten at Commerce Elementary. She is now in her third week of school. She has been very busy learning all the new routines of public school, but she hasn't had any major meltdowns, so I'm hoping she will continue to learn and grow around other children. I have quite a few pictures I have taken over the past month or so, we took 16 great pictures on Labor Day at Imagination Mountain in Sulphur Springs, Tx. Chloe wanted to stay and hike up the mountain, but after four outfit changes, there were just too many people milling around. So we went to Buford Park, which is more for children, with a nice castle, then to McDonald's Playplace for lunch.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer playdate 2010

Chloe and I have been going to playdates for almost three years now. This playdate was at our friends, Heather and Hannah's house. It was a princess-themed playdate. There were many different types of princesses there, with some being modern day princesses. Chloe always seems to enjoy looking at all the books and puzzles on the bookshelves the best, plus the snacks and juice boxes!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Horsin' Around at a horse stable

Chloe joined her playgroup on a fun horse riding session. This was the first time that many had ever been on a horse, so it was quite an experience for all! Chloe really seemed to like it. I will try and post some pictures and see if they post faster than Facebook! We might try and meet once a month there with her playgroup pals. It takes about 40 minutes to get to Celeste from Commerce.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chloe is still not feeling well! I had her home for the past three days, but she wouldn't eat any lunch at school and actually went to sleep at naptime for the first time at school. She didn't want to get up out of her mat, just lying there with the cover over her entire body, but when I got there to pick her up, she wanted to eat her snack/juice. Now she is back asleep on her own bed. Next time I will know she needs four or five days to get over this stomach bug instead of just three!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Testing our blog

I've wanted to create a blog for a while now, but thought it would be too hard. Just testing the waters to see how this even looks!